We have an activewear uniform that children wear for all activities including sports. Logo items are available from our suppliers Love Your Logo or MyClothing, but equivalent unbranded items are acceptable. Other items are widely available from high street suppliers.
Uniform List
Powell Corderoy polo top | Logo is embroidered as standard, but also available with a printed logo for those with sensory difficulties. |
Powell Corderoy hooded sweater | Available with and without a zip. Hoods must be worn down indoors at school. |
Plain navy tracksuit bottoms OR Plain navy full length leggings OR Plain navy skort |
Please avoid any patterns or logos, cropped or shiny leggings, and shiny / striped football-style shorts. |
Black or navy socks | No tights please - it helps if children are able to quickly remove shoes and socks without undressing. |
Dark sports trainers | No hi-tops, converse-style trainers, flashing lights or canvas plimsolls. Please ensure trainers are sports style, not fashion style. No studs. |
Sun hat | School hat or other sun hat. |
Waterproof coat with hood | For outdoor learning in all weathers. |
Waterproof trousers | For children doing Forest School. |
Reception Class only | A drawstring bag with spare underwear, spare uniform bottoms and waterproof trousers, to be kept in school. |
- Space in our cloakrooms is limited - please use a small bag for school and avoid oversized, bulky rucksacks when possible.
- Long hair should be tied back, with functional hair accessories only in school colours.
- Please do not wear jewellery.
- A wristwatch may be worn as long as children are able to remove it independently for sports. No smart watches.
- Please ensure ear piercings are done at the start of the summer holidays to allow them time to heal and be removed before coming to school.
Surrey County Council Guidance on earrings for PE
Children should remove earrings for all PE activities, including swimming.
Where children are unable to remove earrings they should be taped over securely front and back by the child or parent (parents to provide tape) for sports. With taped earrings children will not be allowed to take part in contact sports or sports where contact from another pupil or piece of equipment may pose a risk (such as ball games, gymnastics). Alternative physical activities may be provided.
This does not apply to swimming, for which earrings must be fully removed in case they come off and get stuck in pool filters.
Mouthguards and shin-protectors
In Key Stage 2, children learning football and hockey must have protection for shins and ankles. Parents will be asked to provide shin-protectors when children are learning these sports.
Following the advice from England Hockey, parents will also be asked to provide a mouthguard for the term that your child will be learning hockey in year 5. You can purchase a mouthguard from the school office if required.