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Powell Corderoy Primary School

Powell Corderoy Primary School

Breakfast and After School Club

Telephone 07597 384789 (during opening hours)

The school runs childcare for all year groups before and after school in The Hut.

Breakfast Club is from 7:50am until the start of school. 

£5.00 per session / £4.50 for siblings. 

After School Club is from the end of school until 5.45pm.

£14.50 per session / £13.00 for siblings.

Children have access to a range of indoor and outdoor leisure activities. During After School Club they have the opportunity to complete their homework if they wish to do so. 

Places are limited so must be booked in advance. Breakfast and After School Club payments should be made by direct transfer - please contact the school office at info@pcps.uk for further details. 

Printable booking form