curriculum by SUBJECT
If you wish to know more about a subject, please contact the subject leader, shown in blue, for further information.
EnglishMiss Keating
Our English curriculum is based on a teach through the text approach, using a progression of high-quality texts which complement our wider curriculum areas of study. Curriculum design draws on material from both the CLPE Power of Reading Scheme, and The Literacy Curriculum.
Phonics, early reading and handwriting follow Rocket Phonics.
English Policy Core Text Overview Handwriting Progression English Progression
MathsMrs Swallow
For maths we follow the White Rose Curriculum, based on a maths mastery approach.
Maths Policy Maths Overview Maths Progression Maths Resources
ScienceMiss Beedie
Our science curriculum uses material from the Hamilton Trust supplemented with other sources and - where relevant - linked to our wider curriculum.
Each term, classes also find out about a 'scientist just like me' to inspire children to consider careers in STEM.
ArtMrs Kennerley
Our progression in art ensures children explore a range of artist and movements, as well as gradually honing their skills in a wide range of media as they progress through the school.
HistoryMiss Mumford
History begins in KS1 with a focus on ourselves, local and recent history, gradually extending to compare familiar, important people and events themes further back in time.
Throughout Key Stage 2, we follow a chronological history of Britain from the Stone Age to World War 2, and each class also studies an ancient civilisation.
ComputingMr Leach
For computing we follow the Purple Mash Curriculum, and find further opportunities in our wider curriculum to apply the skills and knowledge we have learned to help us with our learning in other areas.
Design and TechnologyMrs Kennerley
Design and Technology
Our DT curriculum ensure children encounter a range of different fields in Design Technology, gradually building their skills and confidence as engineers. Projects are linked to our wider curriculum themes and made with a purpose in mind, such as a product to sell or to solve a real life problem.
We teach French from Year 2 onwards and have developed our own curriculum to build relevant vocabulary focusing on key themes.
GeographyMiss Mumford
In Key Stage 1, we begin with the geography of our local environment, and gradually expand children's geographical awareness until we've introduced them to the world map and the globe.
Key Stage 2 begins with a closer look at the UK, extending to Europe and then the wider world. We follow key geographical and environmental themes which we compare across a range of localities.
Geography Policy Geography Overview Geography Progression - coming soon!
Our music curriculum is based on the Kodaly approach, using material from The Voices Foundation and the Charanga music programme.
All children learn the Ukelele in Key Stage 2.
Physical EducationMrs de la Hoyde
Physical Education
Our PE Curriculum has been developed with support from the Dorking Schools Partnership to ensure all children have at least 2 hours of high-quality physical activity every week, the opportunity to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular and competitive sports, and sports leadership.
All pupils take part in the daily mile to promote active lifestyles.
PE Policy PE Overview Athletics Progression Dance Progression EYFS ProgressionGames Gymnastics Progression Outdoor and Adventure Activities Progression Swimming Progression
Religious EducationMr Darke
Religious Education
We follow the Surrey Agreed Syllabus for RE, and include school trips to a range of places of worship.
PSHE and Relationships EducationMiss Stanton
PSHE and Relationships Education
We follow the PSHE Association Curriculum for all aspects of PSHE and RSE.
Outdoor Learning and Forest SchoolMrs Tucker
Outdoor Learning and Forest School
Our Forest School Curriculum ensures children in Years R, 1 and 2 attend Forest School for half a day per week, two half terms of the year. This means that by the end of Key Stage 1, they have experience the full range of seasons.
In Year 4, this is extended with our 'Environment Agency' project in Forest School, linked to their work in science.
Values, Citizenship and Character EducationMr Darke
Values, Citizenship and Character Education
Our wider Powell Corderoy curriculum includes values, citizenship and character education. This is not a specific curriculum in itself, but permeates all areas and is evident in our school assemblies and ethos.