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Powell Corderoy Primary School

Powell Corderoy Primary School

curriculum Overview

Intent: What do we aim to achieve?

Our curriculum aims to be inclusive and representative of the children it serves, relevant to both their current lives and future careers. We strive to ensure all children reach their full potential, receive their full entitlement to the National Curriculum, and make consistently good progress with their academic attainment, personal development and wider achievements as they make their way through our school. 


Implementation: How do we do it?

Some areas of the curriculum are taught discretely, using the following programmes:

Development Matters

Early Years Framework

PSHE Association PSHE Programme

Rocket Phonics Programme

Early Reading and Phonics Scheme

White Rose Maths  Maths Curriculum

Surrey Agreed Syllabus for RE

Religious Education Syllabus

Teach ComputingComputing Scheme


For other subjects, we have a project-based approach which uses real-life experiences to achieve a meaningful outcome. An outcome might be making and selling a product, putting on a performance, organising an event, launching a website, raising awareness of an issue or improving the school environment.

Our projects are carefully designed to enable all children to make progress in National Curriculum subjects, and apply their learning to real-life situations. Using maths skills to manage class budgets and calculate costs, or their English skills to write letters and leaflets helps children to transfer their skills and knowledge between subjects and see the real-life value in the learning.

We also place a great deal of importance on being outdoors, as we recognise the benefits to children’s development and mental health. Forest School is part of our offer for all children, and teachers make extensive use of our beautiful grounds and surroundings to enhance lessons across all areas of the curriculum.

Impact: How do we measure success?

The impact of our curriculum is evident in many different ways, including:

  • Attendance: Pupils enjoy coming to school…’ (OFSTED 2021) and attendance is high.
  • A love of learning: ‘…they value their education and approach learning with enthusiasm.’ (OFSTED 2021)
  • Confidence: Children show pride in their areas of strength, but have the courage to acknowledge things they find difficult.
  • Determination: Children strive hard to better themselves and are not afraid of challenge.
  • Achievement: Children make good progress and are proud of their work. Results in 2022 exceeded national averages in all areas, with over 90% of children reaching the expected standards by the end of Key Stage 2 and many far exceeding them.
  • Community: ‘…there is a great sense of community and belonging within the school.’ (OFSTED 2021)
  • Values and Attitudes: Pupils are polite and well-mannered… always trying to do their best.’  ‘Pupils in all classes behave well…’ (OFSTED 2021)
  • Future-ready: Children understand their responsibility to care for the world and others, and to contribute to society as citizens of the future. They have the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the next step of their education. We are incredibly proud of the children who leave Powell Corderoy, and receive positive feedback from secondary schools about their onward journeys.  

Want to know more?

You can find further detail on our Curriculum by Subject and Curriculum by Year pages, as well as information about our curriculum enrichment and extra-curricular activities on The Powell Corderoy Experience page. 

Information about how we make the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs can be found under SEND Information. 

If you have further questions, please contact the headteachers - we'd love to tell you more!