The Powell Corderoy experience
Life at Powell Corderoy includes so much more than our taught curriculum. Here are just some of the many additional and exciting opportunities that all children have as standard at our school.
NB: Some of these experiences had to be suspended during the pandemic. We have been reintroducing them this year, and hope everything will be fully up and running again by September 2022.
The Summer FestivalAll years
The Summer Festival
If one event could epitomise the Powell Corderoy Experience, it's our legendary Summer Festival. Since its origins in Edith Corderoy's back garden, it has run for over 150 years and still features the traditional performances with which it began. With some modern additions and a fabulous fair courtesy of our Friends of Powell Corderoy Association, it's an event not to be missed!
Extra-curriculur ClubsAll years
Extra-curriculur Clubs
We run a wide range of extra-curriculuar clubs all year round including sports clubs, art club and choir.
Trips and WorkshopsAll years
Trips and Workshops
Learning in every year group is enhanced with regular school trips to destinations near and far, and visiting workshops linked to our projects. Further details can be found on the last page of our Curriculum Overview.
School CouncilAll years
School Council
Every child has the opportunity to stand for election as their class representative for the year, representing their peers and contributing to the leadership of our school.
Instrument TuitionAll years
Instrument Tuition
In partnership with Surrey Arts and Open2Music, we host various peripatetic music teachers who teach children a wide range of instruments, from drums and keyboard to violin and trumpet. Parents can sign their children up at any age.
Charity FundraisingAll years
Charity Fundraising
Each of our classes supports a chosen charity, which they fund raise for at different points throughout the year. The children learn about why the work of their class charity is so important, and live out our school values by taking action to support them.
PeformancesAll years
Annual events include a Harvest Festival, Nativity, Infant Christmas Production, Junior Carol Concert, Easter Assembly, Music Assembly and Summer Production. Various classes also perform on stage and screen as part of their project work. There are ample opportunities for all budding performers to have their moment in the spotlight!
TheatreAll years
Every term, we host a spectacular theatre production from the award-winning Hobgoblin Theatre company as an end of term treat. This is generously funded by our FOPCS Association and very much enjoyed by all!
BalanceabilityYear R
We run the Balanceability programme for all children in Year R using our school bikes, to ensure every child learns to ride.
Forest SchoolYears R-2
Forest School
We run a fully accredited Forest School on site and using the local Nower Woodland for children in Years R-2, who experience the different seasons in our local woodland in their weekly sessions.
Competitive SportsYears 1+
Competitive Sports
Our school teams compete in a wide range of local tournaments throughout the year, organised by the Dorking Schools Partnership Sports Coordinator.
Early LanguagesYear 2+
Early Languages
The National Curriculum requires schools to teach a second language from Year 3. But research shows that the earlier children are exposed to a second language the better, with some research suggesting that before the age of 7 is optimal. Which is why we start learning French in Year 2, with a fun introduction through songs and games.
BikeabilityYears 2,4,6
We continue to develop children's cycling proficiency and road awareness through the progressive Bikeability programme taught by qualified cycle instructors.
UkelelesYears 3+
To ensure every child learns an instrument, we make learning the ukelele part of our school music lessons and teach them to the whole class in Key Stage 2.
Swimming LessonsYears 3 & 4
Swimming Lessons
We go beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum and ensure all children receive high quality tuition in swimming and life-saving, in partnership with Great Waves Swimming Academy and The Priory Secondary School (next door) who generously allow us to use their on-site pool.
Any children who have not reached the required standard by the end of Year 4 continue to have small group swimming in Years 5 and 6 to ensure they can swim before they leave primary school.
Environment AgencyYear 4
Environment Agency
Our Year 4s combine their ongoing work in science with termly fieldwork days to monitor the impact of human activity on the school environment, throughout the year. They use their research to make recommendations to the school leadership team on how the school can further reduce its impact and care for the beautiful environment we inhabit.
POW MagazineYears 4+
POW Magazine
Our popular school magazine is written, edited and sold by the children, developing communication and business skills from an early age. This was paused during lockdowns but is due to return in September 2022!
Science SleepoverYear 5
Science Sleepover
In Year 5 children visit the Science Museum in London for an 'Astronights' sleepover as part of their learning about space.
These sleepovers stopped during lockdown so we held a sleepover in school instead! They are beginning to run select events again for small groups, and may resume taking school bookings in the future... watch this space.
Financial EnterpriseYear 5
Financial Enterprise
Children take part in a business enterprise challenge, receiving expert tuition from local businessmen and women through a series of workshops which culminate in them building a business to present to a panel of 'Dragons!'
Sports Leaders AwardYear 5
Sports Leaders Award
Children have the opportunity to train and qualify as Sports Leaders through an accredited programme, then take responsibility for helping to lead and organise sports activities for younger classes at lunchtimes.
First Aid trainingYear 5
First Aid training
Children in Year 5 all complete the St John's Junior First Aider Course, as part of their 'Health Heroes' topic in the summer term.
Residential TripYear 6
Residential Trip
In Year 6, children spend three days at High Ashurst on an outdoor pursuits residential trip with the superb instructors from Surrey Outdoor Learning. They tackle abseiling, rock-climbing, orienteering, high ropes and much more - a fantastic opportunity for personal development and new challenges!
Junior CitizensYear 6
Junior Citizens
Year 6 take part in the Junior Citizens Scheme, gaining their Junior Citizens Award and learning essential life skills for their futures.
Greenpower RacingYear 6
Greenpower Racing
Children in Years 5 and 6 have the opportunity to join our Greenpower Race Team, building and racing their own kit car at local and national events.
These events stopped during the covid pandemic, but are due to resume in the 2022/23 academic year.
Surrey Wilder Schools ProjectWhole School
Surrey Wilder Schools Project
We are delighted to have been accepted onto the Surrey Wilder Schools project for September 2022, in partnership with the Surrey Wildlife Trust. Year 4 are the lead class for this work, but the whole school can participate and benefit in different ways throughout the project.